Trusted Advisor Program

Do you get called a visionary, an influencer, a connoisseur, an expert or a trusted advisor? Do you have a community that trusts your recommendations? Then join our Trusted Advisor Program and win big!

Trusted Advisor Program Benefits


Earn 10% commission for the first 12 months of the life of the account or offer a 10% discount to your clients. You can only be part of 1 payout structure.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We'll help you host events, webinars and other sponsorship opportunities to drive even more value.


Why become a partner?

“Partnering with Maropost is partnering with a winning team. Everyone from the top down is dedicated to your success and that of your customers. From day one you will feel the difference!”

Jeff Crandel

CEO, InfuzeYourBiz

Agency Partner

“Maropost is a great partner and a part of our team. We work closely with them on how to best leverage the platform to exceed our clients needs.”

Brittany Trafis

Executive Vice President, Client Partnership at Fathom

Agency Partner

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Automate to increase
conversions by 53%

Engage your audience wherever they are with
personalized messages across every channel.
